What computer language should we teach? (203)

94 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2006-06-25 14:59 ID:Heaven

You can learn C in little bite-size increments. Starting with your first #include directive, which is like "without it, the compiler is mad at you, with it the compiler is happy"; everything else is just a function returning an int and taking no arguments and a function that prints text to stdout. No need to go into pointers or even arrays on the first day. Integers and maybe if() and for(), if it's an university course. That %d in the printf call can remain a magic mystery until a couple of weeks forward.

Contrast with Java, where... uh... how exactly do you explain what System.out is? Or what "public static" in main's declaration means? And why String needs to be used with a capital S? Or why you need to have an object or a class to call a method? What is a method anyway? Why do instance methods behave differently from class methods? And how does this relate to what we learned about MIPS assembly in computer innards 101?

I tried to learn Verilog about a year ago. It was indeed quite difficult an experience, given that I have absolutely no experience in the low-level nitty gritty of electrical engineering. Imagine how clueless the young students are going to be when they have no concept of, say, control flow.

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