PHP users are dumb (160)

146 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2007-11-06 04:58 ID:1WD8sEC8


OpenJDK and Mono. VB does blow chunks, though; and companies who would gladly give M$ all of their revenue in exchange for empty promises of security rather than taking matters into their own hands are not worth my time.

A lot of programming security depends on skill; a top-notch PHP hacker can block anything from a simple single-quotes exploit to a full-blown MySQL injection. Of course, a top-notch hacker can also circumvent them as easily as he can block them, but a novice trying and failing to implement security is worse than an intermediate programmer not bothering to try to implement security. And depending on who you're up against, there are some cases where you're boned anyway, but those are rare.

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