PHP users are dumb (160)

154 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-04-27 18:51 ID:bFU2gdDY


  • Ubiquitous; easy to get access to,
  • easy to learn for the stooperd people; primitive, typical idiot's imperative language,
  • used in real applications; tried and tested,
  • reliable; it will probably be here for a long time because
  • (the reason any language stays alive) enough applications are written in it and enough effort has gone into it that it will have a long lifespan,
  • considered a standard of the industry,
  • for the previous three reasons it is justifiable to managers.

Those are the reasons one might consider it to be “awesome”. We all know and are bored of hearing why one might also consider it “fucking horrible”. The above reasons also make it similar to C and C++.

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