[WANTED] Perl Programmer for 4-ch (26)

8 Name: Squeeks!!XjdwLWBy (Admin) 2005-08-22 13:45 ID:Heaven

This isn't your thread to advertise for help, it's for me. :@

Why am I using Perl and flatfiles and not PHP+MySQL:

  • Perl is VERY good and file I/O and security, two things PHP suck at.
  • Speed. The only way to get huge speed out of PHP is to move to using Zend's commercial tools, which cost money. mod_perl and some online documentation is next to nothing.
  • I don't see a logical reason why SQL would be useful in a scenario like this. Using a database to generate data either dynamically or into flatfiles at modification time is more work than necessary, and takes it from a pure I/O issue into a memory and CPU issue as well.

Feel free to argue with me on this if you want kids, this site is powered on Perl. Do I know PHP? Why yes I do. I like Perl more. My offer still stands for assistance, however I'm going to obviously do the lot myself if no one responds.

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