Brainfart: GCC and templates (10)

9 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2006-11-10 07:33 ID:6aGbySab


I thought operator overloading could only overload... operators. Can you really overload typecasts as if they're operators? I've never heard or seen that. If it's true, then I've said it before and I've said it again -- it's pretty much guaranteed I learn something new about C++ every week, for almost like 7 years now. Just last year I found out C++ has try/catch/throw style exceptions... I don't use them (I can only take so much visual clutter), but they're there if I want to.

Actually I did overload the array subscript operator for my Vector classes... so I could've really done, just out of semantic nitpickery (depends on the mood I'm in... sometimes I'm picky, sometimes I'm not):

glVertex3fv (&jointarray[i].pos[0]);

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