ITT we post Really Stupid quotes [asbestos req'd] (27)

10 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2007-05-31 07:20 ID:Heaven

If any piece of code is complex enough to require a comment, make it its own function and comment the function. I believe the only thing that REQUIRES comments are classes and methods. Not pieces of code...

Since this is a pet peeve of mine, allow me to make this obvious to anyone who doesn't understand why this quote is idiotic: you should comment every paragraph of code, without exception, unless the code is particularly obtuse. If it's particularly obtuse, spend a paragraph or two of comments to explain it.

I've seen code that was almost literary. Authors of such code can get away with summaries alone at the top of their function or method. However, chances are that you (yes, you) aren't one of them. So comment well please.

I've had to work with a couple large codebases written like the quote above. It's a good thing the author(s) never came within my reach. >:(

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