ITT we post Really Stupid quotes [asbestos req'd] (27)

8 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2007-05-27 13:10 ID:u2sA4u6o

"1.) Why would you code an emulator in Visual Basic 6.0?

VB 6.0 applications are very stable. VB programs are designed to run as efficiently as possible on Microsoft Windows based operating systems for obvious reasons (Microsoft developed Visual Basic ^.^). VB 6.0 has also been around for a long time. It is fairly well developed in comparison to other programming languages.

2.) Why not code your emulator in VB .NET?

VB .NET requires the use of the .NET platform provided by Microsoft Corporation. The .NET framework is an additional piece of software that we do not want clients to have to manually install in order to run 'vbWoW' servers. VB .NET is also not as fully developed as VB 6.0.

3.) Doesn't VB 6.0 have runtime dependencies?

Yes, it unfortunately does. However, with the right code, necessary runtime files can be dropped with the program eliminating these dependencies."

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