Multi-dimensional Array Initialization [C++] (25)

1 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2007-10-30 16:30 ID:32FLFmjy

I'm trying to relearn C++ by writing a program that manipulates matrices and blah blah blah moving from Java. So far I have this:


class Matrix
private://all private members get a pr_* prefix to distinguish them
int pr_rows, pr_cols;
double pr_Matrix[0][0]
bool pr_isSquare() { return (pr_rows == pr_cols); }
Matrix(int, int);


Matrix::Matrix(const int rows, const int cols)
pr_rows = rows;
pr_cols = cols;
pr_Matrix = new double[pr_rows][pr_cols];


When I try to compile, I get
"error: 'Matrix::pr_cols' cannot appear in a constant expression"

Can someone help me with this? I've tried Google, and I think I understand what's causing the problem, but I don't know how to work around it.

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