Which Version Control System? (23)

20 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2007-12-26 07:46 ID:Heaven

Not to mention that you haven't so far shown that this scenario was likely in git's case. I guess some people have a tendency to prefer a One Strong Leader, you know, Stalin and Hitler and Bush and so forth, to a bunch of clever people who know their shit.
Did you seriously post that? Unironically?

Things don't work the way you think they work. Influxes of new members to a group don't often improve the group's work meaningfully. Expanding the capabilities and domain of a project doesn't necessarily (or usually!) improve the project. Products don't gradually move over time toward capturing complete market share forever and ever amen (and this is a good thing). Please, for the sake of everyone you will be working with, take some software engineering classes before engaging in any signficant programming project.
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