Web Framework (97)

44 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2008-02-05 21:12 ID:Heaven

> That MzScheme doesn't support unicode correctly? What's your problem?

I would rather have some support than no support. That's where we differ. You're welcome to perfection, but you're using a dynamically-typed language and I doubt you're formally proving your code.

Having said that, it looks like Arc does provide for Unicode, at least so long as it's sitting on MzScheme. Good enough.

> Either your language has a locale-sensitive sort() or it doesn't.

Or maybe it works most of the time for the expected data. I'll make do with a few customers sometimes seeing partially unsorted data rather than all customers seeing completely unsorted data or throwing out a useful site feature. Almost all software development is about good enough.

> What's the point of striving for the most powerful language

How old is Ikarus or Termite Scheme? Clojure? Factor or Cat? They're more interesting than Arc and all are younger.

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