I wanna learn programming. (40)

24 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-02-13 09:12 ID:0vXZpJgG

i went to college for 2 years studying CS. i took classes in data structures, c++, java and assembly (as course requirements). i liked java because it made sense to me. of course i can see the use for c++ in certain areas (not my kind of areas).
i got a part-time job programming web sites for a startup company who was looking for students with work-study financial aid (they paid me half and the school paid the other half). after 2 months they offered me a full time job and i took it.

4 years later i'm working at a bigger company doing web development in c# and php (depending on the application) and making more than my parents (who are in PR and construction).

the bottom line is: learn something you like to do and start doing it for money as soon as possible. i still owe the state about a quarter of my salary for the 2 years and no degree.

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