I wanna learn programming. (40)

31 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-04-23 08:07 ID:9U1c1SHz

"I wanna learn programming" is bit vague.. you want to learn how to make things with computer I suppose, but a question like this will only get you canned replies:

* programming is hard, first you'll need to develop an analytical mindset using mathematics
* you need theory first, read SICP
* you can't program before you know how a computer works, learn assembly.
* and the classic: X is a disgusting language, stay away from it, use Y

None of these replies are completely wrong -in fact they're laregely correct- but they're not very useful either. Are you really going to start reading books? I didn't... Do you want to know assembly? What's up with these replies than?

It seems like a fucking chore now, huh, "learn programming"? Well, the truth is: yes, but you don't need to worry about it. Because you probably don't even want to learn how to program, if you're like me [b]you just want to build shit[/b]. a website, an IRC bot, some small tools ... shit such as that.

Well, [i]that[/i] is not so hard... and as with most things in life you don't need to be very talented to do such things, just interested. start copy pasting in a working codebase of some language that you think will be able to use for your tool (both the codebase and the language). Don't go read to many tutorials or whatnot, just try things. Welcome to the hacker mindset. After a while, all by itself, you will start reading tutorials untill your eyes drop.

It should be mentioned though, that having a very solid mathematical background allows you to progress a lot faster: Haskell for example was a breeze to me because I already knew most of the concepts. But I would have never chosen to get the background if I didn't spend 4 years in highschool hacking PHP and mIRCscriptings :D

in short: don't waste time learning to program before building stuff. simply take a working program and start extending it. mIRCscripts and PHP websites are what i used for this.. and it worked.. but that was 10 years ago. Right now i'd go with python (but ask some younger anons first)

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