picture looping on e-mail sigs (9)

6 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-04-26 05:28 ID:Heaven

No, but you can easily write a GreaseMonkey script to locally alter any page to look however the fuck you want it.

If the client's email viewer doesn't support images, then she's shit out of luck. If the viewer does support images, then the solution in >>4 is ideal. The browser cannot detect whether or not the image is being served statically or dynamically (save for a few headers which can themselves be suppressed.)

I do agree that it's a retarded idea, but if someone wants to give me money for an easily implemented retarded idea I'm all for it. And this is such.

7 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-04-26 07:10 ID:Heaven

Actually it's the proper way to do it. Moreover, email clients cannot detect whether it is actually an image or a PHP script as this requires access to the server.

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