A Problem in Logic (42)

15 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-05-04 18:46 ID:Heaven

HOLY SHIT You're a fucking retard.
I used only the binary operators AND, OR and the equality operator.

(((a & b & c) | b | c) == a) tests whether b and c equal a.
Let's call that expression A.
!A means they are unequal

tD(a, b, c) <- !A(a, b, c)
So far, good.

!A(a, b, c) == !A(a, b, d) means all four not the same number if true, else the same number.

tD(a, b, c) == tD(a, b, d) means the same

fE(a, b, c, d) <- !(tD(a, b, c) == tD(a, b, d))

There. I did it assuming it's possible to use only once the equal operator in every definition, and that you meant binary operators AND, OR.

Now, to your actual retarded problem

tD(a, b, c) <- !(a == b == c)
fE(a, b, c, d) <- !tD(a, b, c) && !tD(a, b, d)

OK? Got it? Now, that's all based to your first post, because of your mistake.

On to your second post:

tD(a, b, c) <- !(a == b || a == c || b == c)
fE(a, b, c, d) <- !tD(a, b, c) && !tD(a, b, c)

I love your attitude, you make mistakes, then you blame us for them, then you call us uncapable of solving such "problem".

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