Examples of missleading identation (7, permasaged)

1 Name: Bloguero_Connor : 2008-05-23 00:26 ID:J7TXA00x

Hi, I am looking for "bad" or misleading indentations in C, Perl or PHP. My idea is to show why "correct" indentation is useful (for a Python tutorial).

2 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-05-23 00:51 ID:Heaven

> for a Python tutorial

If you don't immediately know where to find thousands of such examples you have no business teaching people.

3 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-05-23 04:02 ID:Heaven

             /*                                     ,*/
#include <time.h>
#include/* _ ,o*/ <stdlib.h>
#define c(C)/* - . */return ( C); /* 2004*/
#include <stdio.h>/*. Moekan "' `\b-' */
typedef/* */char p;p* u ,w [9
][128] ,*v;typedef int _;_ R,i,N,I,A ,m,o,e
[9], a[256],k [9], n[ 256];FILE*f ;_ x (_ K,_ r
,_ q){; for(; r< q ; K =((
0xffffff) &(K>>8))^ n[255 & ( K
^u[0 + r ++ ] )]);c (K
)} _ E (p*r, p*q ){ c( f =
fopen (r ,q))}_ B(_ q){c( fseek (f, 0
,q))}_ D(){c( fclose(f ))}_ C( p *q){c( 0- puts(q ) )}_/* /
*/main(_ t,p**z){if(t<4)c( C("<in" "file>" "\40<l" "a" "yout> "
/*b9213272*/"<outfile>" ) )u=0;i=I=(E(z[1],"rb")) ?B(2)?0 : (((o =ftell
(f))>=8)?(u =(p*)malloc(o))?B(0)?0:!fread(u,o,1,f):0:0)?0: D():0 ;if(
!u)c(C(" bad\40input "));if(E(z[2],"rb" )){for(N=-1;256> i;n[i++] =-1 )a[
i]=0; for(i=I=0; i<o&&(R =fgetc( f))>-1;i++)++a[R] ?(R==N)?( ++I>7)?(n[
N]+1 )?0:(n [N ]=i-7):0: (N=R) |(I=1):0;A =-1;N=o+1;for(i=33;i<127;i++
)( n[i ]+ 1&&N>a[i])? N= a [A=i] :0;B(i=I=0);if(A+1)for(N=n[A];
I< 8&& (R =fgetc(f ))> -1&& i <o ;i++)(i<N||i>N+7)?(R==A)?((*w[I
] =u [i])?1:(*w[I]= 46))?(a [I++]=i):0:0:0;D();}if(I<1)c(C(
" bad\40la" "yout "))for(i =0;256>(R= i);n[i++]=R)for(A=8;
A >0;A --) R = ( (R&1)==0) ?(unsigned int)R>>(01):((unsigned
/*kero Q' ,KSS */)R>> 1)^ 0xedb88320;m=a[I-1];a[I
]=(m <N)?(m= N+8): ++ m;for(i=00;i<I;e[i++]=0){
v=w [i]+1;for(R =33;127 >R;R++)if(R-47&&R-92
&& R-(_)* w[i])*( v++)= (p)R;*v=0;}for(sprintf
/*'_ G*/ (*w+1, "%0" "8x",x(R=time(i=0),m,o)^~
0) ;i< 8;++ i)u [N+ i]=*(*w+i+1);for(*k=x(~
0,i=0 ,*a);i>- 1; ){for (A=i;A<I;A++){u[+a [ A]
]=w[A ][e[A]] ; k [A+1]=x (k[A],a[A],a[A+1]
);}if (R==k[I]) c( (E(z[3 ],"wb+"))?fwrite(
/* */ u,o,1,f)?D ()|C(" \n OK."):0 :C(
" \n WriteError" )) for (i =+I-
1 ;i >-1?!w[i][++ e[+ i]]:0;
) for( A=+i--; A<I;e[A++]
=0); (i <I-4 )?putchar
((_ ) 46) | fflush
/*' ,*/ ( stdout
): 0& 0;}c(C
(" \n fail")
) /* dP' /
dP pd '
' zc

4 Post deleted.

5 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-05-23 13:41 ID:nwvGAmQh


I can't read this program beyond the string manipulation, but I want to compile and execute it anyway.

6 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-05-26 01:01 ID:hyJGw7Tw

If you can read that code you have achieved nearly complete literacy in C.

7 Name: Bloguero_Connor : 2008-05-27 19:32 ID:BqePdgOw

Heaven, I can write a tutorial since I know of people who knows way less than me :)

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