programming guidance and careers (18)

9 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-05-25 21:06 ID:KJBAVqmP

hi, OP here

making games isnt what im mainly interested in, but its something i definitely want to know how to do, which is why im doing CS afterwards (ultimately, i want to discover at least one thing and name it before death) so i agree with >>5 about it being better as a hobby, i wouldnt say no to getting some work exp in that area though, for a short while.

Im very interested in CS, i know sets and sequences, finite state diagrams/transducers, traversal, recursion etc and also logic gate circuits, karnaugh maps etc

about programming, im getting a little confused because everyone i know IRL says C++ is this amazing incredible standard, that everyone should know, and people around these boards say lisp and such.

after lurking around and reading here im disappointed in my university, they have never even mentioned a language besides c++, and they never got us using any CS on a pc instead of paper

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