Re-inventing the Wheel (14)

3 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2008-06-28 12:31 ID:PFfsd1Xw

You appear to believe that languages are the only thing in programming, well, they are not.
Find an advanced topic you might be interested in and read books on the subject.
The first thing you need to do is acquire vast knowledge. While doing that you'll write some programs, some interesting, some not.
Some of them may give you some ideas, which perhaps you won't be able to implement right away. Keep the ideas, keep learning.
If you keep learning, something good will happend, that's guaranteed.

P.S. if you can't think of a subject to learn, try networking. Learn TCP,UDP,IP,IPv6,SCTP and their POSIX api. Then continue in studying the actual implementation of these protocols.

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