Thoughts on C++? (63)

39 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2009-06-28 01:01 ID:nq1SY2TA

C++ was my third language after C64 Basic and Pascal, respectively. While it is a very powerful language, it does come with a lot of responsibility on the programmer's part. In part, that is why people are slowly moving away from it. It is still a de-facto standard in games and operating systems, but that will slowly change as well (google Microsoft Singularity and Microsoft Midori). Also, its syntax can be a bit verbose and the standard libs are a bit archaic.
I have also learned C, Java, JSP (basically Java for webapps), C#, Perl, and Ruby. Out of all these languages I like Ruby the most. It feels very natural to program in it once you get used to its syntax and the fact that it is dynamic. I'll give you a (contrived) comparison/example between C++ and Ruby


for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)

cout << i << " ";



1.upto(10) { |num| print "#{num} " }

If you read both pieces of code aloud, you will arguably conclude that Ruby sounds more like English and it's code seems more compact. I could give you the same example in other languages, but (with exception of Perl) they are all more or less similar to C++.

Good luck with whichever language you choose.

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