Managers, bosses... (8)

1 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2010-08-09 05:48 ID:Yc4I4lzR

My current "boss" is a real noob when it comes to programming. The problem is that he's the "chief technical officer" of the team, and he's supposed to write specifications, write code, and take care of the project.

He's younger than me (and I'm almost 30, he's just out of school), can't write C++, he sucks at C#, doesn't know what SVN is, and think that everything should not take more than 15 minutes (you have to port Windows to the iPhone? that shouldn't be longer than one hour, after all it's just some drag-and-drop and recompile). Also he sucks at grammar, and, well, everything else when I think about it.

WTF can I do? I'm not about to quit because of this moron, but I'm a bit depressed.

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