Interpreted vs. compiled labguages (30)

2 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2011-03-07 20:49 ID:my34MICF

That's a false dichotomy. You can compile or interpret any language. There are interpreters for C, and compilers for Python. That's just an implementation decision, and on a level that the beginner won't even notice.

I think what you're trying to ask, though, is whether it's easier to learn a language with an interactive prompt, and I think that it's definitely easier to get a grasp on a language if you can "play with it". That's what makes stuff like logo so inviting to beginners, you can type stuff and see immediately what each line of code does. If you have to write a whole file to be processed all at once, there's a disconnect between the program and its evaluation, and it takes an extra mental step to understand the relationship between the input and output.

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