Games @4-ch

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[Applause]Everytime we finish a game we post here[Praise] (381)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-03-26 16:22 ID:0dQRlyR5

No more heroes
I like how its a satire on "EPIC" plots in general not just games.
But I still consider Killer7 as a better game despite the change from its original script . Cant wait for
Flower, Sun and Rain in October so I can get some sort of understanding of his Kill the Past series.

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373 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-02-19 01:05 ID:Heaven

Why would I make him $thirty-five dollars, I want to make it for myself. What a scam...

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380 Name: Earl Eberhart : 2024-04-29 22:52 ID:f8RYoOVe

Are you tired of purchasing low-quality traffic that leads to poor conversions and wasted ad spend? Imagine a world where your marketing efforts generate consistent results, and your ROI skyrockets with every campaign. Well, the time has come to transform your business dreams into reality.

Introducing our game-changing traffic optimization service, specifically designed for the "Make Money Online" niche. We leverage our top-secret formula to deliver high-quality, laser-targeted traffic that converts like never before.

381 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-05-16 13:25 ID:UQOEkaKU

This week I finished Animal Well (very good) and 1000xResist (sot so great).

Animal Well: I love the trend of recent fez-inspired puzzle games with progressively more abstract layers of hidden stuff and are happy to dial back the tutorials and teach you the mechanics of the game through immersive puzzle solving. Scratched the itch I had from finishing Tunic last year.

1000xResist: Great soundtrack and visual style, but repetitive walking sim segments and lots of needle-in-a-haystack searching really made this a bit of a slog to get through. The story and setting is interesting but I wasn't particularly impressed with the epilogue, and I'm not really sure what the game's trying to tell me.

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Obscure Videogames (25)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2019-05-12 02:14 ID:SXQuGfgX

Post your most interesting discoveries in gaming.
It can be random shit off of or
It can be some extremely rare Japanese ps1 game
As long as not many people know about it

16 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2022-03-04 22:49 ID:ZpdYI8vT

oh come on, Civvie 11 covered that game on youtube.

17 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-02-03 04:09 ID:qcu67uke

18 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-02-05 04:18 ID:EJ2IIKPy


lol what website sucked, maybe it wasn't so bad in 2019 though
and by the way, as long as something is on the internet it's not obscure
the only games you can really call obscure are those rare japanese pc games on yahoo japan for 200000000 dollars, which haven't been uploaded because they're bad and nobody gives a crap

19 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-02-06 02:48 ID:AuWVtzwf

Al-Qaeda released their own game (well more of a mod really) which allows the player to hunt down and kill Bush

I've seen it on some abandonware sites but downloading it is probably not a good idea.

20 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-02-06 07:02 ID:htw3iJs9

Anarch, based anticapitalist Doom clone

21 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-02-27 17:34 ID:eghQ7X9l

I've been hankering to try Mizzurna Falls since it received a fan translation

22 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-01 23:14 ID:qQckB8yH

Anyone played Rule of Rose?

23 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-06 17:57 ID:Yyx7TYVG

>>22 I've been looking to buy a copy for my girlfriend, it was her favourite game but she lost it

24 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-11 10:44 ID:4czQiqxB

Yes! Multiple times, and I've 100%ed it too. It's a very special game to me, even if I can't in good conscience recommend it to others given how godawful the combat and gameplay is.

Good luck with that! Physical copies are extremely hard to get your hands on, but my ex managed to pull it off so you might too.

25 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-05-15 09:21 ID:c4U9LiHc

This might be the most obscure videogame possible (up until this article was written and the guy uploaded a ROM, anyway)

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ITT We talk about whatever game we feel like talkin about (217)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2010-05-14 15:46 ID:sbn6zXDe

Just talk about whatever game you're playin, want to play, want to buy, what you just bought - whatever.

Just a nice, lazy places to spout random crap about games.

208 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-11 01:32 ID:keAn/kc0

Kojima got his idea of simulation from Baudrillard who was popular in Japan at the time. The idea is that simulation isn't a fake version of something real or a lie that hides the truth. Its a representation of an object that claims to be faithful but has no real connection to it. A simulation replaces the thing its supposed to represent. Porn is supposed to be raw uncensored real sex but nobody used to have sex like that irl. People end up modelling their meatspace sex lives on internet porn so it ends up becoming real or more accurately replacing what was real. Our ability to distinguish between real and artifical has broken down. The Big Shell incident is a staged event based on myths about Shadow Moses. Its designed to take rookies like Raiden and turn them into replacements for Solid Snake. All of the bosses, the bad guys, the mission profile are rough copies of MGS1. Its a meta commentary on gaming i.e. Konami will just pump out soulless Metal Gear clones that rehash the first game and the military will turn warfare into a game and use gaming to recruit mindless soldiers. The breakdown of our ability to distinguish truth and falsehood will make us easy to control through manipulating content.

This also means we don't know where the line between real and staged is in the game. For all we know, Snake/Pliskin, Otacon, EE etc are all actors and the big reveal at the end is part of the exercise. Its one of the what ifs of the game. Do Snake and Otacon actually interfere in the Patriots' simulation or are they just actors too?

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209 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-11 13:22 ID:0BjPZuzo


>They already do that

Yeah I knew about that, I was meaning specifically like how in MGS1, Snake has direct one-to-one communication with the Colonel, then in MGS2 this role is replaced by an AI version of the Colonel. In real life, a human commanding officer can command his troop as a whole, but can't give every soldier his full attention at all times; if all of that officer's expertise and experience could be stored as an AI entity and each soldier had their own personal Colonel guiding them in real-time in battle, military operations would be more efficient...
We already have this happening with AI chatbots of famous figures, I wonder how long before individual real-life soldiers will be making decisions in the field based on AI guidance...
I'm stoned and I'm rambling hehe :P

210 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-11 13:52 ID:mRnyDYJg

The average soldier is pretty worthless. Politicians and top brass just don't like troop deaths making the news but aside from that they treat infantry as a statistic. It wouldn't be worth the cost to the fit the average grunt with AI chatbots. The last thing you want are your guys fucking around with their phones in battle. I can see a case for spec ops using something like this. Israel has this secret "ghost regiment" that integrates AI. Exactly how they do it is a mystery though. Where you'll see AI decision making is at the command level, at the unit HQ, and remote unmanned weapons. i.e. AI robots that can carry satchel charges and AI suicide drones or have an AI that designs mission plans or handles mission data and processes intel during a mission. You could also see it being used in training simulators and war gaming software.

The most dangerous thing is using AI to speed up WMD research. AI applied to biological design could speed up the R&D of new bio weapons and generate new design concepts faster than any human. There's also the risk of military putting a strategic weapon in the hands of an AI. Imagine Russia's Perimeter system but worse.

211 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-12 14:20 ID:EFwfKm/p

Lately I've been absolutely sucked into the world of INFRA. Half walking simulator and half immersive sim about decaying infrastructure in a fictional nordic country, feels like I'm playing a peak 2012 Finnish sourcemod (which makes sense, because the lead dev cut their teeth on those).
Navigating through and solving puzzles in wastewater treatment works and pumping stations gives me some amazing sense of satisfaction that I didn't know I wanted. I did a brief stint in infrastructure automation irl before I decided it wasn't for me, but the nostalgia really drives home how well-crafted this game is.

212 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-04-13 10:28 ID:0BjPZuzo

I just got the platinum trophy on maybe the second-worst football game I ever played. It's called Super Arcade Soccer 2021, and I got it for about £2 in a PSN sale. Everything about it is shit, but at least it was entertainingly shit. Here's some funny things I found:

  • Player stats seem to have a huge effect on shooting accuracy, but not pass or lob accuracy. The best way to score is to use high-powered passes instead of the shoot button.
  • There is no point aiming penalties for this reason, the best way is to aim straight ahead and press shoot, the game will decide which direction you're shooting
  • Goalkeepers seem to either have lighting-quick responses, or have been lobotomised, when reacting to each individual shot in the game.
  • You can often chip it from halfway up the pitch and the GK will watch it bounce past him into the net
  • Goalkeepers seem to have a thing that causes other players to fall when they come close. I think this is for when they dive at an attacker's feet and save the ball, but it means you can run up the whole pitch with your GK and opponents will fall over when they try to tackle you
  • GKs don't have tackle animations, but it still plays the sfx when you press the button
  • Like many football games, there is a radar view at the bottom showing player positions. There are no walls around the pitch, so you can run forever away from play, and watch the radar marker run across the screen. I got my player markers up on the scoreboard at the top of the screen.
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213 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-04-20 05:57 ID:K1ItYKDa

I like to play Jet De Go nowadays. It's fun to have a civilian airplane game that focuses more on the feeling of flying than on making sure you spend 20 minutes going through checklists before you're allowed to move the plane. The physics are so simplified it can actually be disorienting when you're used to flying games (even Ace Combat), and you don't have to remember too many buttons since most functions are just outsourced to hitting triangle, so it's a fairly simple game. The gameplay of Jet De Go 2 is odd, though: it's basically an arcade game, but a large part of your time playing it is spent flying basically straight and level without doing anything for 100 mile segments because you're in control of the whole flight (unlike the first game which fast forwards automatically until you need to make a course adjustment), so you wind up having quite a busy arcade game during takeoff and landing, followed by 30+ minutes of not doing very much. It's like if Ace Combat made you fly the plane across the map to get to the combat zone before you were allowed to battle. That doesn't bother me personally, but it's an odd design decision to put so much waiting in an arcade title. Maybe you're just supposed to enjoy the super low-resolution satellite photo scenery of Japan passing by - though that doesn't help much if you're doing a long overwater flight to Okinawa...
Anyway, as a bonus the games are a neat time capsule of Japan Airlines in the years that they were released (2000, 2002, and 2005) and the soundtrack is good.

214 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-05-06 22:24 ID:IbNMMvRe

So Touhou EsOD runs at like 3000 fps on my machine and I'm trying to my hardest to beat the game without installing the patch for shits and giggles so far I've made it as far 36% through with pretty abysmal high scores.

215 Name: anon : 2024-05-08 23:36 ID:nbKu8avf

216 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-05-10 12:15 ID:0BjPZuzo

I just bought Viva Football off ebay but accidentally got the unusable PC version instead of the PS1 one >_<

217 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-05-14 22:46 ID:DrGLY3O4

I’ve been trying to relive my teen years by recreating 9/11 in FSX but I always get the flight path wrong and I can’t go on YouTube anymore to see how to do it

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.hack// (29)

1 Name: Kite_DH!3GqYIJ3Obs : 2008-06-02 09:09 ID:8BvRCT6W

I saw that there's only one .hack// thread here and it's about .hack//frägment only so I thought 'let's create a general .hack// one!'
I also love the manga & anime series related to it.
The .hack// universe is just awesome, the idea itself is just really nice.
Wouldn't it be dope if cyberconnect2 would do a .hack// MMORPG together with GRAVITY?
Why are they too stupid to realize that this is what fans want...? I guess they could make alot of money with a MMORPG that's better than their .hack//frägment.

Did you beat the games?

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20 Name: Nekoski : 2017-04-16 14:05 ID:yrH9VLRR

More mass-market appeal maybe? The entire art style of Link genericized quite a bit. Going from Yoshiyuki Sadamoto character designs to whatever Tokio was, it was such an incredible downgrade.

One of my favorite things about .hack is the meta stuff. Going behind the game, into weird, corrupted areas that just have a permeating sense of acidic wrongness to them. The mobile games totally lost that, and there's nothing else on the market that comes close in any way.

21 Name: Nekoski : 2017-06-13 12:59 ID:PE665bAM

Holy shit yes, GU HD trilogy port with additional stuff announced. Can't wait to see what they add.

22 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2018-06-10 17:52 ID:e0kLmT/2

Well I'm glad .hack// hasn't been forgotten, but when are we getting a proper game!
I remember the character models in Versus were pretty cool, it'd be neat if the next game looked something like that.

23 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2018-11-26 02:19 ID:mCaCDyo1


24 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-11-13 15:18 ID:9rdpcpHn

Anyone still active here?

25 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-11-24 21:17 ID:Heaven

Apparently not~

26 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2021-11-24 21:44 ID:Heaven

Maybe try talking about games that aren't 20 years old. I keep hearing about this series but never took time to actually play. It sounds like sword art online before sword art online, something vr game something.

27 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2022-01-01 21:56 ID:0fN+MHnL

>>26 lol the series is one of the best. personally i'd recommend at least watching the anime .hack//SIGN and .hack//roots because they're LITARALLY GOD TIER.
and the .hack games really manage to capture that early 2000s internet early mmo feel even if IMOQ does feel quite bare bones in comparison to modern RPGS but G.U. is really good even if u are one of those weirdos that cares so much... also did I mention the music is really good too???

28 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-05-13 21:29 ID:tMJlqhk+

Bumping Thais gem

29 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-05-14 09:28 ID:Qe5wgdbg

if .hack//SIGN is literally god tier than watching paint dry must be literally buddha tier

decent music though, I'll give it that

never checked out anything else related to .hack because it was so fucking boring

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Yume Nikki: Dream Diary (4)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-04-11 19:06 ID:e1w158pS

It is nearing 6 years since the last branch of updates of Yume Nikki: Dream Diary. What do you think about it? I like it, seeing those weird dream characters again is cool, the music is ethereal, the puzzles and the platforming are fun, the dream diary is cute. The melancholy of the original is still there. Expanding on the mini-games is unexpected but welcome. The witch one sucks, though.
Aside from that, the few added new characters, the Mannequins and the Shadow Man, feel uninspired. There being an actual threat that sort of kills Madotsuki feels off.
It’s overhated. Deserves more love.

2 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-04-12 22:48 ID:IVjny9v8

I have never played this game. I don't know which is the best version/translation.

3 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-04-13 13:02 ID:Heaven

2.0.2 version, i.e. the last version is the best, obviously. The only thing you'll be reading in Dream Diary are the 1-2 sentences long inventory item descriptions, so any translation is fine. Honestly, translation is a weird thing to be concerned with, as the original Yume Nikki also didn't have much text.

4 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-04-29 10:58 ID:lypuX+XH

honestly, I've not picked this up despite being a big fan of the original and associated spinoffs. grounding the dreamlike vibes with higher fidelity, more text and a more linear sequence (or at least, that's what I seen when I looked into this 6 years ago) seemed like a step in the wrong direction. thanks for reminding me about it though, as I'll look into the music. was a big fan of all those yume nikki remixes back in the day

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Megami Tensei (102)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2017-06-07 17:53 ID:KWxzW/og

Let's talk about Atlus's Megami Tensei franchise.
Persona 5 came out and next is Deep Strange Journey in 2017 (and 2018 for NA and PAL territories).

93 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-06-12 23:25 ID:JPoJIsBO

Why remake persona 3 when you should remake 1 and 2? 1 and 2 aren’t that accessible to anyone who wasn’t around during the PS1 era: 1 hasn’t aged well and 2 has the worst gameplay in the series: if any, they should remake those games not 3!!!

94 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-06-14 09:27 ID:Q+Y0TqCh

Because remaking 3 is easier and less expensive than rebuilding, almost rebooting in a sense, the first two entries and it also works better as a filler release.
1 and 2 will surely be remade at some point in the future, though.

95 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-06-25 16:31 ID:eMhtEneA

It's good that they're not remaking 1/2 and I hope they never do. The modern games industry has proven they can't remake anything without fucking it up.
Even from the trailers it's obvious they ruined the atmosphere of 3 and are remaking it to pander to the P5 crowd.

96 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-06-29 09:48 ID:n6e0fzP3

i just finished sonic adventure 2 and god that game is so overrated. when people say they like SA2 they like the sonic and shadow stages and nothing else.

97 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-07-01 09:21 ID:Heaven

You've got the wrong thread.

98 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-07-18 21:46 ID:Z87cik9z

>>95 I hope they are luring in the P5 fans and then they make Tartarus even longer and dumber than the original.

Tbh I really don't know if I'll pickup P3 remake. If they don't even have FemMC or The Answer then what's the point? FemMC had the better social links and The Answer was ungodly hard as shit but cool as hell.

99 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-02-07 10:42 ID:zzCiIBI1

New rumors about Persona 2 and 4 also getting remakes.

100 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-02-09 23:50 ID:NQQcEvRk

I wonder if they'll delete the gay bromance and the female protagonist from P2.

102 Name: josh : 2024-04-28 03:25 ID:45TEl2xI

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I made an IRC channel dedicated to the discussion of visual novels (2)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-04-09 00:24 ID:LOsZLPWP

I'm not sure if I should've posted this on /japan/, but oh well, here it is:
#visualnovels on

2 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-04-09 23:55 ID:07HD/waz

Was there really not one already?

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is ar tonelico good? (3)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-23 21:40 ID:3cqpKajA

i have a ps2

2 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-23 23:17 ID:/EzcRucz

Sure, play the Atlier series as well.

3 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-25 08:49 ID:CRnzhtUN

Ar Tonelico 1 is ok
Ar Tonelico 2 is good, make sure you play it with the retranslation/bugfix patch though
Ar Tonelico 3 (aka "Qoga") sucks massive donkey dick and killed off the original series for a reason
Ciel Nosurge is ok but gets points for sheer weirdness (gameplay-wise, I think I heard they removed the gameplay in the offline version though)
Ar Nosurge is somewhere between ok and good

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Undertale-Deltarune Thread (15)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-10-08 18:31 ID:auUwjc8i

Couldn't deal with /vg/ any longer so I decided to discuss this game here. My main question is which will happen first: Temmie becoming part of the main plot or MK actually being given a personality through the church chapter.

6 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-12-10 23:25 ID:PaHJREYr

Undertale Yellow released yesterday and it looks awesome (a first as far as fangames go).

7 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-12-10 23:50 ID:auUwjc8i

I will tell you straight up...prepare for the robot chase scene because the difficulty does not spike, it fucking rockets.

8 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-12-11 03:44 ID:auUwjc8i

I love Mo. Star's good too, but not as much as Mo. That is all.

9 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-12-16 22:36 ID:iRmXeHo3

I want Berdly to use Temmie like a shakeweight so bad I don't care if she's half a real person

10 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-12-18 00:45 ID:iRmXeHo3

Temmie is a real X-factor in this case. She is an UNDERTALE character, so in that sense Toby would rather not emphasize her over the original cast, but as the same time she is a "dev" character, sometime with far greater insight into the rules and mechanisms of the game world than any other character would reasonably have. She knew of and could remember resets well enough to give you discounts at the Tem Shop after all.

From a self-contained standpoint, her character so far mirrors that of Berdly's, wanting to be recognized and respected but not knowing how to get that in a healthy way, so instead of building an obnoxious mask around being "smart"(which we the player know she is in some sense at least, she managed to design Temmie Armor) she spends her days plotting revenge. The Dark World is the perfect opportunity for her to both take this revenge(especially against Susie; Catti-Temmie team-up anyone?) and to show that she really is more than just the village idiot, and for Catti to get rid of one more obligation on her already overloaded plate with family that are too dumb to recognize or care for her needs.

Catti is very obviously loaded up to be Susie's final character test; too strong for her to overpower in the Light World, likely too much of a magic dork for her to fight in the Dark World, and too mature for her to intimidate, forcing Susie to confront her with the new people skills she has learned over the course of the story or perish.

11 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-12-19 15:53 ID:hBpyESxj

⠀⢠⠏⠀⣴⣃⡴⠋⣀⡠⠤⠒⠉⠀⠋⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠳⡀⠙⢧⠀⠀⠀ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
⢠⣎⢀⡼⠉⠉⡹⠋⣿⣮⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣆⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢇⣀⣸⡆⠀ < TEM HAV... REVENG!!!
⠘⢟⠉⠀⠀⡼⠁⠀⠙⠋⣀⠀⠀⠀⢠⣴⣾⢧⡀⠀⠀⠀⠘⣅⠈⠉⢳⠀ \__________

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12 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-12-23 05:35 ID:iRmXeHo3

I would love to see Catti and Temmie using some Magi-Mechsuit just juggling Susie back and forth in a way akin to how Lancer gets bounced around. It would be excruciatingly painful for her, but the sprites would be hilarious.

13 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-01-16 03:52 ID:iRmXeHo3

Would you have liked Chapter 2 more if instead of Susie having a complete 180, she had a resentment towards Berdly for his obvious dickishness(that wouldn't be softened up like it was in canon) that eventually boiled over into a physical confrontation, but she had built up a real friendship with Noelle far earlier in the chapter and because of that let him go? I think there was a lot there in the "holds back her violent urges for the sake of her friends" theme that was demonstrated in Chapter 1, and it would have led better into that hypothetical Catti encounter I so strongly believe is inevitable.

14 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-01-26 20:23 ID:iRmXeHo3


>Susie kaiju

Would it be somewhat like the Mario and Luigi: Dream Team battles in execution(Kris having to collaborate with her attacks) or just a repeat of the Punch-Out formula from Chapter 2?

15 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-07 20:29 ID:iRmXeHo3

Easily one of my favorite parts of Papyrus is his tacit acceptance of whatever his brother has going on, without even attempting to understand it anymore.

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Team Fortress 2 (100)

1 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2008-06-24 10:33 ID:mq/Okefi

I get motion sickness probably after 3-4 hours of playing this game.

I really enjoy it - but I can't stand the feeling of my eyes popping out of my skull and my intestines being pulled from my mouth through my esophagus.

It really sucks.

Do I just keep playing TF2 until my body gets used to it? I've read up on the motion sickness thing and it seems to me like 'sea legs' in comparison.

This really fucking sucks. ;___;

91 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-10-30 08:07 ID:bSkv5Zou

try to maintain flamethrower distance away from soldiers and demos so you can react to their projectiles rather than instinctively reflecting, all while keeping flame pressure, which creates urgency and makes them want to fire their rockets (esp. soldiers)

for other classes just combo them with your secondary or melee of choice, although for melee weapons you'll have to run mostly the axtinguisher or powerjack, unless you're feeling quirky enough to finish enemies off with any other axe

92 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2023-12-31 01:16 ID:jfA61BqL

I think maining Heavy for an extended period of time is a good awareness test. If you aren't capable of learning how to position with your team after weeks of play than you truly are retarded.

93 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-01-03 07:43 ID:jfA61BqL

Literally what am I supposed to do against a team with a good Demo as Heavy? It's a circular situation; I can't count on my explosive classes because they're too busy dealing with the pyro, I can't deal with the pyro since I'm spending too much time being ass-blasted, and if I try to get into a cheeky position to handle said pyro I get sniped. Who am I supposed to coordinate with in this scenario?

94 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-01-08 06:28 ID:jfA61BqL

I feel like I've stagnated as Heavy because I struggle to track even bunny-hopping Soldiers after so many hours of practice.

95 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-01-11 03:15 ID:jfA61BqL

I've spent more time improving my shotgun aim as Pyro than I ever have as Scout or Engineer. I don't know why that is.

96 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-02-10 23:54 ID:8E8/hwHp

It's all about the hats now


97 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-02-13 13:26 ID:jfA61BqL

TF2 is finally getting a 64 bit executable; Macfags, are you excited?

98 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-02-13 19:03 ID:b/hYzoLW

>>97 I played TF2 a bit on my Mac in like 2015 because my gf at the time was really into it

99 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-02-15 08:28 ID:8E8/hwHp

TF2 test run

100 Name: Anonymous Gamer : 2024-03-02 05:56 ID:jfA61BqL

Spy's Revolver has the kind of spread where it isn't really enough to be a problem if you're skilled but it can make you feel bullshitted out of certain kills.

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