ITT the previous poster is on Third (11)

1 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7734 01:20

I dunno...

2 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7734 01:32

This is a pretty stupid idea for a thread.

3 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7734 02:08

who said that

4 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7734 05:55

No, Who said `this'.

5 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7737 00:36


6 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7737 02:56

actually I'm on shortstop

7 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8353 14:18

     | \
     |Д`)   Nobody on third?
     |⊂     I can dance now!

     ♪  ☆
   ♪   / \    RANTA TAN
      ヽ(´Д`;)ノ   RANTA TAN
         (  へ)    RANTA RANTA
          く       TAN

   ♪    ☆
     ♪ / \   RANTA RANTA
      ヽ(;´Д`)ノ  RANTA TAN
         (へ  )    RANTA TANTA
             >    TAN

8 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8353 15:22


9 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8360 13:09

>>8 Is stuck on third because the batters on his baseball team keep striking out.

10 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8394 21:39

>>9 is sprinting towards home after a sacrifice fly from the second-up batter who can hit hard but can't run very fast.

11 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8395 07:45

Hiyama Takao is lying on the floor, exhausted, and >>10 is straddling him

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