4-ch is dead? (125)

22 Name: Anonymous Addict : 2015-05-02 04:24 ID:NzGOQYqo

>>21 I know how you feel, based out of nostalgia, but at the moment there are too many boards. For example, Anime and Manga can easily be put together. I can't say whether any of the users of /manga/ use /anime/ as well, but I'd imagine that they do. One of the biggest things it seems in getting more people on boards and on the site is to make it seem like there is more discussion going on. The last post on Manga was in march, and the last post on anime was today, by me. Romance and Personal could easily be merged into one board, so could Tech Support and Programming, Politics and Debate (they go hand in hand), Fashion, Food and Hobbies could just be merged into a Daily Life board. I think that textboards never really got their fair shot in the west, but I've always loved the concept, I used to post on world2ch a LONG time ago but moved to imageboards. Now that imageboards are completely un-saveable, I think that textboards are a good possibility. That's just me, however.

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