i need help with crypto (6)

4 Name: 415 - Unsupported Name Type : 2024-02-20 04:02 ID:Heaven


Also, do NOT fucking fall down the rabbit hole of internet investment communities. Stay away from places like Stocktwits, Twitter, Reddit and similar. You will lose everything if you take the advice of the sort of retards you find online. Instead, just read the news each day, stay on top of what's going on in the world and make your judgments on that. By this I mean, watch for events. Is there bad weather somewhere? Then maybe the farming sector might struggle. Is there a war going on? See what economic sectors are impacted. What are current geopolitical issues that may cause things like trade to get disrupted? This is the stuff you want to pay attention to, not some retarded pumper on Reddit trying to shill a penny stock for a "short squeeze" or whatever.

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