Decreasing usability on the web (42)

2 Name: 409 - Conflict : 2016-04-27 11:19 ID:4YpaLt8l

I think you're forgetting some things:

There's the 'flat design' bullshit that people think 'is artistic':

  • links and regular text only have a slight hue and saturation difference that's hard to spot, there's no underline on links like what we've been doing since the fucking early 90s
  • buttons are just icons now
  • everything on one huge-ass page that you have to scroll down or if you click a link? The page will smoothly scroll you down, which I bet works great on low-powered mobile devices, like my ARM laptop that I've got.
  • dark patterns about everywhere

Worst of all? This shit is starting to infect traditional desktop computing too.
Are those buttons on that dialog box or just text decoration? Who fucking knows?! The only help you get is the layout of the window.

Now look at Windows NT 4.0:
You know that "About Windows" thing is a dialog box. It has a shaded "OK" button in the right bottom corner. Shit's 10/10 UI design.
Besides. You can actually see that the buttons to close/minimize/maximize a window are actually buttons, in contrast with Windows 10 where they're decorated like they themselves are window decoration.

Windows NT 4.0 literally indicates what is and isn't a button better than Windows 10!

Hang on, guys. I think I'm gonna install Windows NT on my system.

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