PHP users are dumb (160)

150 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2007-11-07 16:56 ID:Heaven


Why is that? Is it because SQL is more accessible to the PHP programmer? Or is it because Perl and Python are harder to use?


A lot of programming security depends on solid engineering and well-thought out designs. The best PHP programmers think that they just need to be more careful, but even if the PHP programmer writes perfect code, the people who write PHP itself are incapable of writing perfect code- look at the last few releases of PHP, the same security bug being "fixed" over and over again.

Almost all of these bugs are from extensions- things that are for some reason, better to write in any language but PHP than to write them in PHP itself. Why is that? Why is the bulk of any PHP application written in any language but PHP? What is it about PHP that makes it so difficult to express things like money_format() or glob() in PHP? Why do PHP programmers need to resort to such an ugly language as C in order to get any real work done?

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