So today I got banned from 4chan... (406, permasaged)

17 Name: moot 2004-12-06 22:56 ID:GVpmoHSw [Del]

You were banned for being a real life pedophile, and being extremely creepy.

[17:35:15] <Kitty> but so you know, Me and Nobu don't have that sort of relationship
[17:35:23] <moot> haha sure
[17:35:27] <Kitty> No, really.
[17:35:32] <Kitty> o____O its reallyl NOT like that
[17:35:38] <moot> yep
[17:35:41] <Kitty> I dont believe in tha type of relationship throught the internet
[17:35:47] <moot> yep
[17:35:50] <Kitty> I showed him my boobs because I bought that harness
[17:35:54] <Kitty> and I wanted to show him
[17:36:02] <Kitty> ANNND because one time I had my nipples pierced
[17:36:15] <Kitty> and i had to show someone.
17:36:26] <moot> christ get friends that arent pedophiles over the internet
[17:36:35] <Kitty> lol i have alot
[17:36:39] <Kitty> nobu isnt a pedophile
[17:36:40] <moot> im sure
[17:36:42] <Kitty> hes against relationships
[17:36:44] <Kitty> and marriage
[17:36:46] <Kitty> and dating
[17:36:54] <Kitty> I know because when I was 12 I liked him "like that"

It goes on like this, I have some hilarious logs between myself and Kitty, myself and IMNOTAPEDOPHILE:(:(.

PS: Sup?

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