shitty fucking poetry night (475)

121 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6089 06:18

Marisa has a penis
A big, fat penis
Marisa has a penis
She bought it at the store

Reimu is a miko
A cute, sweet miko
Reimu is a miko
And secretly a whore

Arisu is a pervert
A crazy, creepy pervert
Arisu is a pervert
Marisa-chan, watch out!

We're going to Shanghai Alice
Roofies for Alice
We're going to Shanghai Alice
And take her to Hourai

When we get there we'll beat her
Dyke-rape her, and eat her
When we get there we'll beat her
...She says she wants some more!

China's breeding Utsuhos
Fission makes her poopies glow
America wants to tell her no
But he doesn't have the balls


China has the bomb
The bomb, the bomb
China has the bomb
She's going to kill you all!

Kim Jong Il is drinking tea
While his people drink their pee
The laborers have been set free
By Communist technology

Noko wants the bomb
Mom, I want the bomb
Noko wants the bomb
They're going to blow themselves up

Zun caused a diplomatic flap
By making Noko look like crap
They're really rather worse than that
Don't sugar-coat it, man.

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