shitty fucking poetry night (475)

127 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6222 13:40

Chinese guy here. I don't know about my grandfathers, they died- supposedly killed by the Japs. My grandmother has flashbacks of the time she was eight years old. She recalls hiding under her bed while the Japs raped all the women and lined up the men beside the fishpond to kill them. They also posessed my family's property.

My dad lived in the Chinatown district of Saigon. One night he was walking home really late at night after playing cards with his mates. Suddenly he hears explosions and gunfire and shit everywhere. That day would later be known as the start of the Tet Offensive. The NVA broke into his family's shop (we owned a women's underwear shop, fancy that) and put this HUGE collection of guns and weapons and shit on the floor while some men clad in black pyjamas went out on the roof to shoot people. Thankfully nobody from my family got killed.

After that my family fled via boat. My dad got caught by officials and stayed in a detention center for a few months. The center was basically just a warehouse with a dirt floor and no furniture, crammed with hundreds or thousands of sweating men in their underpants. There wasn't enough room for everyone to lie down, so they had to sleep with one another's head resting on another guy's leg. Yeah it was pretty gay.

He said there was one particular young handsome bloke, he looked pretty normal until my dad talked to him, then he knew that guy was psycho. Once my dad pissed in a cup and the psycho asked him if he could drink the piss. My dad was like "Uh, you can drink it if you wanted, I guess", and then the psycho did this shit eating grin and downed the whole thing. Apparently the psycho was just some guy the army picked up off the streets, they thought he was a communist spy.

And yeah, dad came on a crowded boat, nearly died of dehydration and scurvy, the end.

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