shitty fucking poetry night (474)

468 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10974 10:28

hey dough kyun I have not been here in a year or three or five I forgot it existed
here is my rhyme I wrote it in a minecraft book just today

Here mid the 'ther
thou quondam were
attending to thy drubbing

I came, you went
to heaven sent
now part thy loins for rubbing

For what's a flow'r
at any hour
if not for bees to cherish

Your eyes alight
your pokies bright
your pusy (sp) glowing garish

I see your need
thus 'llow me Sneed
ere I give you the Chucking

Your lips may purse
let slip a curse
just 'llow me do the fucking

Thy burning lips
'twixt netherhips
are screaming for a dicking

Thy bean is swole
thy mind unwhole
thy clit shall get a flicking

my book has sneed in it as well

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