[DQN] English->Japanese->Engrish [Translation] (312)

143 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5651 22:54

The CAT (1) User Commands CAT (1)


    Cats - file and print consolidation, the standard output


    Cat [options] [files] ...


    Consolidated file (s), or standard input, standard output.
    Is, - show - all the
Veterinary equivalent
     - B, - a number of nonblank
Number nonempty output lines
    Virtual environment equivalent to the e-mail
     - Email - more - end
Display $ at end of each line
     - N, - No.
All output lines of code
     -, - Squeeze - second blank
Keep repeating empty output lines
    Equivalent to t, VT
     - T, - more - Tab
^ I see a tab character
- Ū () is ignored
     - V, - more - nonprinting
^ And M - to use the notation, LFD and tabs except
     - How to display this help and exit
     - Version
Output version information and exit
    The files have no file, or - Please read the standard input.


    Friday cat - g
Yong‹à“àg of standard input and output of the content.
    Copy standard input to standard output cat.


     Torbjorn Granlund, Richard M. Stallman wrote.

Report a bug

    The bug <bug-coreutils@gnu.org>.


    Copyright © 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3 +: GNU GPL version 3 or later
This is free software: you change, re-distributed free of charge. There is no guarantee, that
And to the extent permitted by law.

Related Items

    Complete documentation for the cats, Texinfo will be maintained as documentation. If the information professional and cats
Your site has been installed properly, g is the command
           Info coreutils' cat call ' 
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