[VIOLENCE] ITT we decide who would win the fight set up by the poster above us (516)

248 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9716 00:42

In terms of their powers, Patchouli has the obvious advantage here. She can command earth, which overcomes water in the Wuxing cycle. All of Ami's attacks and abilities are are water-based, so that gives her a severe handicap (unless the swords she makes out of water, or the Sailor Star Tambo, don't count as elemental.)

There's room for argument based on the facts that danmaku isn't particularly serious fighting compared to that which the Sailor Scouts do, and that Ami's physical stamina exceeds Patchouli's, but Stage 4 is going to be her toughest challenge in EoSD. I'm predicting Patchu will foil, at minimum, Ami's first 1CC attempt.

The guy who posted "dicks out for Hara​mbe" in every single thread on 4-ch vs. the guy who's been starting shitloads of threads about COO​MERs
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