443 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10416 15:47



>> 1. (in Japan) Any act of public molestation or offense, usually of a sexual nature, against unsuspecting victims. 2. (in Japan) A person, usually a man, who rubs against or gropes others, usually women, in crowds, often in trains, to attain sexual pleasure.

IIRC, according to what I read, the 2chan BBS (or was it honten?) in its earliest years was all about sharing child porn and maybe also those public molestation images or videos. I think I remember seeing this vid where this Japanese man ejaculated on some random girl who was sitting in public.

>> 1. A prank played by Japanese children, in which one's fingers form the shape of a gun and one tries to ram them into the anal region of another person.

I remember when I was a student in an elementary school in the United States one student did that to me. However, he was not Japanese, he was a cobb (mixed black and white race). That elementary school was torn down and replaced by condos.

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