【日本のキチガイ恥部】エルビス飛鳥【佐藤孝夫41歳】 (873)

538 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10424 04:49

I listened to this for a bit, and they made it sound like "Mainland Ukraine harasses it's eastern territories with bombardment all the time, cuts out their water supply, all measures we tried to talk about with them were ignored by Ukraine, Europe is an american puppet without a will of their own and America ignores half of our demands, half of international documents is easily ignored when it's convenient to them, including the part of "one can become a part of NATO only if their presence will strengthen NATO".

I'm pretty sure if I try to sub it into english and upload it on youtube, I will be banned pretty fast. You aren't allowed to listen to russian propaganda, only to western one.


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