CTRL+V THREAD! [part XVII] (391)

40 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10665 06:34

29 Oct 1888, Tsar Alexander III's imperial train derails, killing 23 and the story of the Tsar holding up the roof to let his family escape becomes state propaganda. What does not is the train was speeding because Alex III called the rails a Jew and demanded to go faster. Then-Railway Manager Sergei Witte, had met the Tsar previously and warned him that using 2 powerful freight locomotives paired together for the imperial train to go faster was dangerous. They caused dangerous vibrations and the wooden saloon cars were weak in case of a crash.

After an investigation, which reached 3 separate conclusions to save face, Sergei Witte was quietly promoted to Director of State Railways in 1889. He then got caught in a scandal after marrying a converted Jew but the Tsar protected him. And after charting a course of peasant reform, monetary reform, and industrial investment, he was accused of being part of a Jewish conspiracy and fired just before the 1905 Revolution and after that was rehired to fix it.

He tried to establish a modern constitutional monarchy against Tsarist autocrats and the new Tsar Nicholas II who wanted to send the army to shoot everyone involved. However the tremendous 2m tall Grand Duke Nicholas threatened to shoot himself if the Tsar didn't yield to reform. The Tsar yielded and Sergei Witte attempted to do more reforms but discovered the Tsar had no intent of pursuing real peasant reform, reforms on ethnicities like the Jews, and de-escalating the situation in Europe that would lead to WWI so Witte quit and died of a brain tumor.

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