[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 8] (549)

65 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10858 01:02

I am a young male, fresh outta high school, and I have a close female friend that I spend a lot of time with. Nothing more than that, I have a girlfriend who is also actually best friends with her. The three of us have hung out together on many many occasions and known each other for years, we're the few people from high school who still hang out regularly. I get along with this girl very, very well. She's almost like my sister, I really love her and our friendship. But, the problem is, she is insanely hot. Incredibly attractive, and with a bubbly, flirtatious personality to boot. She's got it, and she knows it, and she flaunts it. We have flirted a lot in the past, but she does this with everyone, and it really is harmless for the most part. But, I guess, I have to admit I am very, very attracted to her physically.

Being such good friends, and best friends with my girlfriend, we've lived in close quarters before. Hell, she even lived with me and my girlfriend for a few months. I remember trying to get a peek at her when she'd take a shower occasionally. Never was I lucky to get a good look. But there were a few other occasions, which I still look back on regularly. The first was when she was still living with us, and she was dealing with various, horrible illnesses. She was always sick and had a lot of problems with her 'insides'.. She had to get a colonoscopy at one point, and in preparation, the doctors gave her some drink pumped with laxatives and some other insane shit so she could cleanse her systems before going under. This is probably a good time to mention I have a really intense fart/scat fetish.. you might know where this is headed. One morning, after drinking a whole bottle of the stuff, she awoke moaning and groaning. I was getting ready for work and I knew what this meant. She had already made it clear what she was doing and to excuse her constant trips to the toilet. But this morning was bad. She was clearly in a lot of pain and discomfort, stumbling to the toilet with a strained look on her face. She glanced at me with shame as she closed the door. I quickly headed out side, my partner still sleeping, and went around the back of the house to where the window to the toilet was. I stood beside this window while my friend painfully and shamelessly relieved herself, grunting and swearing as she painted the bowl with her shit. It sounded horrific. She was making all sorts of noises, from both orifices, cursing herself and the relentless storm of shit continued. I have never been so aroused in my entire life. I started masturbating right there, around the side of the house, outside the window. I still feel a lot of disgust and shame for that memory, but I look back on it regularly, and it always gets me hard instantly. I know this probably sounds absolutely putrid to you readers, but as someone who, for some reason, is attracted to this kind of thing, this was literally a page out of my book of fantasies. I was blown away, to share such an intimate, animalistic moment with someone so close, and so fucking hot.

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