science-Proven magic petrification ray (87)

1 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4798 05:59

Dearly 4Chan Website Today:

To my English, forgive me am German makes happily speaks, because I, and to the English.

It is brings a matter to to your attention. I have a science-Proven magic petrification ray that is capable to change magic any young feminine person into a marble statue immediately with magic. I am has very excitied to this thing. I will tell you the story. I enjoy to turn of pretty young girls in statue. I turned ran five girls in statue with the device however I out of girl and need I more girl. Help me please to receive to more girl. It is very important service to the world girl in statue because to transform:

  1. Girls who have been turned in statue can be used for decoration.
  2. Rocky-girl transformed did not make overpopulate the world or use natural Betriebsmittel.
  3. The girls hear stop aging and decaying if in statue.
  4. Young feminine person lives eternally after statue.
  5. Girl, when statue is nicer, than a girl as a meat -- only kidding! :)
  6. Women, when statue can be naked in publicly naked, to how fleshy woman does not complain.
  7. Woman think I when statue is prettier, than women while living woman, opinion lives.
  8. Humanity as well likes statue.
  9. Women and girl liked by people.
  10. Combining you 8 and 9 (8+9) - women + statues = girl who is changed to statue with machine, best.
  11. Woman doesn't have to make waste or must eat or must sleep after statue becomes.


I will tell you like the machines functioning.

A. The body of girl changes of organic fleshy material into marble stone.
B. Woman cannot move.
C. Young feminine person is statue eternal.
D. Girl can think and can: girl mind awake and living to see, from SCIENCE.
E. Woman knows, is is herself that she statue, and aware all that happens.
F. I make statue feminine petrification statue happily.

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