[Help] Beat the Game! „¯(^o^ )„­[Working Together] (69)

10 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4930 16:32

Go left and head under the spikes as mentioned before. Dodge Guile's kick, and land on the small platform. Zangeif will immediately jump at you, just jump over to the small spot across the spikes. You don't need to worry about the ones above you. In the next room, use the moving panels to move across. The first two move down, but the third moves up. Be quick. Next room, just pass through, don't shoot the guys holding the block. Now you're in a room with a sign leading to Heaven, I think, and a goofy platform guy. Jump on the platform guy and immediately jump off of him, dropping you into the next area. Walk through the next room without stupidly clicking the sign. The bottom of the ladder here is rigged, so you have to use the blocks to make sure you land on the higher part. Climb, and enter the boss door. Congratulations, your life is now over!

Alternate Routes: Go right, fight the bear that most certainly is not a pedophile. Beat him, and go the next area, causing you to fall to your death. It MIGHT be possible to use the blocks to clear the gap, but I dunno. Go left and avoid both sets of spikes to fight Clonepa. He'll reflect anything you shoot at him, so I guess you can't kill him. Go left, avoid the spikes, and climb the chain on the second set to get... nowhere, as far as I could tell.

All of that is based on the last time I played, so it might be inaccurate now.

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