(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Intellectuals [Pompous Blowhards] (196)

1 Name: (₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ : 1993-09-5135 14:29

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ You know, the hardest part of being an intellectual in today's climate is that nobody pays attention to my idiotic suggestions.

2 Name: (₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ : 1993-09-5135 14:32

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Schools should avoid doing anything that might damage a child's precious self esteem. That way, when they finally make it to the real world, they'll be totally unable to cope with finding out just how unimportant they really are.

3 Name: (₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ : 1993-09-5135 14:48

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ We should downplay or even disparage success. After all, successful people might start to feel superior to losers, and that wouldn't be nice.

4 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5135 17:02

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Bah, all government should be a meritocracy. Losers can feel terrible for all I care.

5 Name: (₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ : 1993-09-5136 04:10

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Myself, I subscribe to ˆζˆζˆism. To find out more about my deeply held personal beliefs, please read this ˆζˆζˆ authored by a ˆζˆman I don't personally know, but that caters to my own prejudices, fears, and sense of righteous indignation.

6 Name: (₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ : 1993-09-5136 04:27

@@ >„¨<@@@Ό½
@-i ߁Νί.j-@@@@@ @ @ @@Ό½
@@ >„¦<
@@@@@@@@@@@/iœjiœj @@excuse me may i pass through here
@@@@@@@@@@@| /MΖƁL
@@@@@@@@@@ //@| |
@@@@@@@@@@‚t@ .‚t
;;ά::.;;.άά/ @ /|PPPPP/ P/::. :; ;άά:.:ά:;ά;;ά
..@@,::.;@@/ @ /|PPPPP/ @ /..,@,;@.:@@@,,‘,.iόj@@ ::
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.@@,:.;@/ @ /|PPPPP/ @ /..,@,;@:R|V@@,,‘,@@@ ::;;,

7 Name: (₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ : 1993-09-5136 12:43

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Sure. But beware! Those stairs lead....

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ ...TO THE DQN ZONE.

8 Name: (₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ : 1993-09-5136 13:30

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Perhaps if we convince the unwashed masses that the earth warming up would, against all historical evidence to the contrary, be a bad thing, they will cease driving those horrible minivans and SUVs so much, and I'll be able to see more than one car ahead of me while driving.

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Maybe we should blame CO2, which is normally harmless, and beneficial to plant growth.

9 Name: (₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ : 1993-09-5136 19:49

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Speaking of plants, there's this forest we've gotta cut down. We need to clear space for a stretch of highway so I can drive my H3 across, alone, to get a hamburger. We'll cut down this other forest later to make room for free-range cattle grazing land and more fast food restaurants. What's methane, anyway?

10 Name: !GZO15gPeDo : 1993-09-5136 19:51

11 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5136 20:41

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ People don't understand what's good for them. They should be ruled by a small, self-selected group of intellectuals such as myself, as only the Intelligentsia have the brains to rule this world.

12 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5136 23:56

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Let them eat cake.

13 Name: (₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ : 1993-09-5137 00:52

(₯ิ₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Also, let _us eat cake too. Could you also bring some tea?

14 Name: (₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ : 1993-09-5137 00:53

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Well, this didn't go as planned. I'll decide whom to blame later.

15 Name: (₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ : 1993-09-5137 04:31

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ I am the Architect. I created the matrix. I've been waiting for you. You have many questions, and although the process has altered your consciousness, you remain irrevocably human. Ergo, some of my answers you will understand, and some of them you will not. Concordantly, while your first question may be the most pertinent, you may or may not realize it is also irrelevant.
Your life is the sum of a remainder of an unbalanced equation inherent to the programming of the matrix. You are the eventuality of an anomaly, which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision. While it remains a burden to sedulously avoid it, it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control. Which has led you, inexorably, here......

16 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5137 13:22

>>15 Mr. Serling, you've forgotten to take your medication again. What did we tell you about that?

17 Name: (₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ : 1993-09-5137 13:56

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Well, you've forgotten my cake.

18 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5137 16:07

@@@-]]- A
!@ !@l|,.iΙl_Ɂj Sorry, we're all out of cake.
i @˜§-]@|! i
_R .U@- Ιƒm
@ @ / _ɁT
@@/__i |˜£!|

19 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5137 16:53

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ All out? The whole world is running out, lady. Let me tell you, what humanity lacks, humanity carves from the stone of the uncertain future with its own hands. This is the way of the world.

20 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5138 00:50

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Men can never be free, because they're weak, corrupt, worthless... and restless. The people believe in authority. They've grown tired of waiting for miracle or mystery. Science is their religion - no greater explanation exists for them! They must never believe any differently if my vast, international, global warming conspiracy project is to go forward. I should be able to see over the car in front of me without a booster seat, dammit!

21 Name: (₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α- : 1993-09-5139 20:54

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ And I still want cake.

22 Name: (₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ : 1993-09-5139 23:32

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ nullpo

23 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5140 00:18

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Ceci n'est pas un nullpo.

24 Name: (₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α- : 1993-09-5140 01:07

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Thechnically, exception is féminin, and therefore so is nullpo. It means that you were supposed to say "Ceci n'est pas une nullpo", mon ami.

25 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5140 02:09

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Technically, 'thechnically' is not a word, ma cher.

26 Name: <˜€MΝL>‚Α-̾ : 1993-09-5140 02:47

<˜€MΝL>‚Α-̾̾ 이것은 널 포인터 예외 nida.

27 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5140 04:07

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Non. nullpo = null pointer. And "un pointer" is masculine. I'm revoking your French status.

28 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5141 03:13

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Well.... Technically,

They aren't ASCII, so I wouldn't call 'em asciimated.
But good effort! I like the one with the violence in it.

29 Name: (₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ : 1993-09-5142 04:23

(₯ิ₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Well, the gender comes from the word "_exception", not from "pointeur". You could say it's "une exception due à un pointeur nul".
I'm demoting you to Canadian.

30 Name: <˜€MΝL>‚Α-̾̾ : 1993-09-5142 06:19

<˜€MΝL>‚Α-̾̾ Why you choppari argue over inferior language nida? Hangul far superior nida!

<˜€MΝL>‚Α-̾̾ Anyway, who want have discuss of Songun and Juche politics nida?

31 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5142 08:35

I like to think myself above petty politics.

32 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5142 13:57

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Nyet! "Le pointeur NULL est le pointeur vide." le. LE!

33 Name: (₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ : 1993-09-5142 17:43

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ This appears to be a translation which bears much unnecessary complexity, as it introduces a verb which wasn't in the original\"Null pointer exception"\while this verb is not required for an accurate translation. But you are not addressing the core of my explanation, which is that the gender of the expression doesn't come from the word "pointeur" but from the word "exception", the "pointeur vide" being only a complement. The very nature of the NULLPO is the exception, not the pointer which raised it. You need to become a stronger grammarian.

34 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5142 18:06

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ I know I'm right about everything, but when I'm feeling conflicted, talk radio helps to reinforce my fragile belief system with anger and outrage against my fellow man.

35 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5142 18:11

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Babel Fish tells me null pointer exception translates as "exception d'indicateur nul" in French. Therefore, I am fluent in French, as well as every language it is capable of crudely translating for me.

36 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5142 18:16

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ I never sold out, I only joined the establishment so I could destroy it from within. After I get my 401K.

37 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5142 18:52

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Babel Fish tells me that "your mom has a null pointer exception in the C language" translates as "votre mère a une exception d'indicateur nul dans le langage C". And as your mom is a man, nullpo is therefore masculine. CQFD.

38 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5142 19:48

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α- Sitting around the coffee shop and forcing people to listen to my views on the cause of the rising price of mittens would be so much easier if the lady at the counter ever served anything.

39 Name: <˜€M„DL>‚Α-̾̾ : 1993-09-5143 02:59


40 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5143 06:42


41 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5143 06:49

(₯?_₯?)‚Α Greetings, my young friend. Most of us scholars have relocated to /science/, a more fertile hunting ground for the never-ending pursuit of knowledge and truth.

(₯?_₯?)‚Α http://4-ch.net/science/kareha.pl/1183316577/161-162 I dare say that this particular exchange is the heart, the soul, the very essence of enlightened debate.

42 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5143 06:52

(₯?_₯?)‚Α Great Scott! I have discovered that the world wide web browser known as "Safari" causes a ninety-degree clockwise rotation of the eyebrows, as well as considerable enlargement and deformation of them. I must write a treatise on this immediately.

43 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5143 07:34

@@@@ |PP|@@
@@ @ ( ಠmƣ) I say, I find the use of French in this thread to be quite distasteful. The tongue of such a barbaric and uncivilized people is most certainly an offense to any true gentleman of intellect!

@@@@ |PP|@@
@@ @ ( ಠmƣ) I have contacted the Elitist Superstructure Elite Language and Regional Dialect Subcommittee and expect the matter resolved within the sennight.

44 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5143 21:50

@@ >„¨<@@@Ό½
@-i ߁Νί.j-@@@@@ @ @ @@Ό½
@@ >„¦<
@@@@@@@@@@@/iœjiœj @@excusez-moi puis-je passer par ici
@@@@@@@@@@@| /MΖƁL
@@@@@@@@@@ //@| |
@@@@@@@@@@‚t@ .‚t
;;ά::.;;.άά/ @ /|PPPPP/ P/::. :; ;άά:.:ά:;ά;;ά
..@@,::.;@@/ @ /|PPPPP/ @ /..,@,;@.:@@@,,‘,.iόj@@ ::
@ :@:::.,@/ @ /|PPPPP/ @ /,,;@@iόj@@:::@R|V@@;;:
.@@,:.;@/ @ /|PPPPP/ @ /..,@,;@:R|V@@,,‘,@@@ ::;;,

45 Name: (₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ : 1993-09-5145 00:52

(₯ิ_₯ิ)‚Α-̾ Well, I'll attempt to bake a cake then, since nobody cares about my needs.

46 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5145 03:02

>>45 please do so without inadvertantly damaging the metayphysical realm of discourse of this thread. Baking soda and html do not mix well, unfortunately, especially in the vast miasma of interconnected computing/storage devices aka the internet.

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