New rules, as stated below: (43)

1 Name: MODD!5JrU4QOlH6 : 1993-09-5186 18:43

New affiliates will find their memberships to be probationary*, and will be restricted to replies only, they will not be able to post new threads until the probationary period is over.

Affiliates can find themselves banned for any of the following:
-Ban evasions
-Posting /b/ style posts such as excessive posting about male genitalia (The Elitist Superstructure will have agents monitoring this) and overused catchphrases (such as All your base are belong to us or Lisa needs braces!/Dental plan! or flatten, and re-install)
-Impersonating me
-Stealing from the lounge
-Posting about Densha Otoko

More information will be posted as it is approved by the Elitist Superstructure.
*Probationary affiliates pay only half the normal affiliate dues**, due to only being able to use some services available to Superstructure affiliates.

** Please make dues payable to squeeks, myself, or clonepa.

2 Name: MODD!5JrU4QOlH6 : 1993-09-5186 20:25

>>1-999 are banned.
Lisa needs a penis dental plan!
I am modd!withtripcode, the one and only
I stole that lamp that was in the lounge
-got on a train
-saw a pretty girl
-drunk old guy harrassed her
-decked him
-she gave me her number
-should I pursue this?

3 Name: TripcodeExplode!PYZX54X2L. : 1993-09-5187 09:15

I like your stance on these very important issues. You have my vote this coming election, good sir.

4 Name: MODD!5JrU4QOlH6 : 1993-09-5187 09:55

All affiliates must always present appropriate respect for the General.

5 Name: MODD!bTjfiKw9HQ : 1993-09-5187 13:28

>>1,2,4 Are all banned for impersonating me.
>>3 is banned for agreeing to fake rules.

6 Name: MODD!5JrU4QOlH6 : 1993-09-5187 13:38

>>2 and >>4 are banned for impersonating me.
>>5 is banned for attempting impersonation.
>>3 is put on probation for suggesting open elections.

7 Name: MODD!bTjfiKw9HQ : 1993-09-5187 13:41

>>6 is banned for attempting probation

8 Name: MODD!l7CM4rKAW6 : 1993-09-5187 13:48

1-7 are banned because I love abusing my authority.

9 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5187 13:57

>>7 is banned for attempting to ban me for attempting probation.
>>8 is put on probation for posting.

10 Name: MOTT!EOKAMA75e2 : 1993-09-5187 14:31

Hey MODD, did anything important happen while I was in Mexico?

11 Name: MODD!5JrU4QOlH6 : 1993-09-5187 15:00

Well, we banned MOOD.

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