Post Happy Things (Part Three) (999)

854 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6842 03:33

( ß ƒŽß) I can't tell if Channel4 full of gays or women.
( ß ƒŽß) Being happy about both!

( ß -ß) However I've been kind of lonely and feeling melancholy about it of late. It was only recently that this began after reading a romantic story.
( ß -ß) There's a small..ache, for lack of a better word, in my rib cage when I got about my day, walking through town, buying things I need, or just wandering for pleasure, and there is no one I can hold the hand of and talk to while I do these things.
( ß -ß) But more than that, it's not just that I have no one, it's that no one has me, either. Which frankly feels worse than the first part.
( ß -ß) There's no where I can go to meet women, especially ones I would be interested in, or ones that would be interested in me.
( ß -ß) I think that this is the worst part. Knowing that there isn't any one whom is interested in me. It's something that I feel as if I both want, and need.
( ß -ß) I long for someone who longs for me. Whom is actually interested in what my thoughts and wishes to read them like she would read to book.
( ß -ß) I long for someone who when she is not with me thinks to herself "Ugh, I miss him. I really wish I could be holding his hand right now."
( ß -ß) I have friends. But we are only just past the superficial level. I long for someone who is real with me, and to me.
( ß -ß) I want to be wanted.

(._. ) I'm really sorry 4-ch. I've taken a big shit on a fun thread. But I haven't told anyone about this at all. And I felt as though if I were to keep it inside it would be bad for my health. Again, I'm sorry.

( ß -ß) Hey >>843-san. I don't know you, but keep this in mind: Making your boyfriend cum is nice, and should make you happy I guess. But your true happiness lies in holding his heart in your hands, while he holds your heart, in his. That's what your should strive for, if you aren't there already.

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