hi (50)

6 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6773 16:06


GOD FUCK IT ALL ARGH HATE WORTHLESS KILL ME LONELY GODDAMN USELESS SON OF A UEFOSEOF H EOHS EOUS O SHEHF O IIIUUUUUUUUnhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhf

I am so worthless. I can't even write about this right. And yet deep down I still believe I'm the shit. That's how much human trash I am, that even knowing that I'm trash I still secretly hold on to the belief that I'm awesome and smart and creative when really I'm just a lazy lonely piece of shit that has ridden on luck and parent's money his whole life, always relying on others to do the work for him, taking everything for granted, whining like a baby when it doesn't go his way.

And only now do I realize how illusioned I've really been. I am no genius, I'm not special or creative or amazing, I'm just a lazy piece of shit that likes to play games and be lazy and eat snacks and jack off to porn FUCK UHFOUEC WHY THE HELL CAN'T YOU COME UP WITH ANYTHING BETTER TO SAY THAN JUST "うん、まぁXさんの音楽だなーと思った。" YOU FUCKING EEfe h

fwhy did I get into this in the first place what the hell was I thinking there's no way this is going to bring me happiness I'm too selfish I need too much I crave and fall and crave and fall and crave

goddamit. I hate this post. I hate aeoihea BASS BASS BASS SAWTOOTH GOGDAMMNAD addJELLY AND BRO WATCH OUT FOR STAIRS what the HELL do you mean by thtat did you even bother to LISTEN for one SECOND to what I poured my heart and soul into so worthlessly under the pretense that everything I shit out is gold when really I'm just vomiting and calling it art OIHFEAAAAFUCKKK

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