[CAPTCHA] ITT the CAPTCHA is our tripcode [FUN] (47)

1 Name: LiteralKa!pj8hjRqIuk : 1993-09-6079 01:40

2 Name: LiteralKa!kvkk8X.cnE : 1993-09-6079 01:42

Oh, by the way, that was #choreing


3 Name: LiteralKa!Ep8pui8Vw2 : 1993-09-6079 01:43

I guess you didn't know this about me!

4 Name: LiteralKa!tkJaBwaJuk : 1993-09-6079 01:45


5 Name: Tweet!YRL9CExzHU : 1993-09-6079 14:03

I follow LiteralKa on Twitter :) I like it when American people say he's bad.

6 Name: !8X4Wprp0Gs : 1993-09-6079 14:25


I'm going to go ahead and guess it's going to have something to do with the fact I'm at work right now using Firefox Portable.

7 Name: LiteralKa!QrXMtgWe7U : 1993-09-6079 15:23


8 Name: LiteralKa!QDXZSZhueY : 1993-09-6080 09:59


9 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6080 23:24

LiteralKa, please stop. You are annoying and attention seeking. Just calm down for a minute and stop doing anything you can for attention.

10 Name: !b.G2X.up82 : 1993-09-6080 23:37

I'm pretty sure there are much better ways to get attention.


11 Name: LiteralKa!KK5BG4Xzj2 : 1993-09-6080 23:40


> stop doing anything you can for attention.

Last I checked, making a thread isn't a cry for attention.

12 Name: !5Cm6zXYf/k : 1993-09-6080 23:44

I see nothing wrong with this thread, but I agree on some level.

13 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6081 01:35

tripfagging + jisaku-jien is.

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