[CAPTCHA] ITT the CAPTCHA is our tripcode [FUN] (47)

1 Name: LiteralKa!pj8hjRqIuk : 1993-09-6079 01:40

43 Name: !IJ/UqJb3yg : 1993-09-6104 03:39

    (@∀@-) I'm pretty sure you guys meant to go here
   _φ 朝⊂)
/旦/三/ /|
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44 Name: !SnAYH48f0k : 1993-09-6111 20:01

>>43 I think it just kinda happened.

45 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6112 20:25

I enjoy the music of Kate Bush. #wow

46 Name: !GtCKRSOPUk : 1993-09-6113 00:03

I #juss can't do it right

47 Name: WEEEEEEEEEEEE!WVbRQZlLR6 : 1993-09-6188 01:24

This is pretty cule

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