CTRL+V THREAD! [part 8] (999)

509 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6827 21:38

>day 69 in Equestria
>get summoned to royal party in Canterlot
>get much too drunk and proposition Princess Celestia
>"Would you care to try a bit of orangutangadingdong?"
>she's drunk enough to accept, oddly enough
>"Anonymous, where's the rest of your penis? Whom do you think you're going to satisfy with that thing?"
>you tap yourself on the chest with your thumb. "Me."
>and stick it in her pooper, shouting "SURPRIZE BUTTSECKS"
>next morning you're both really hung over
>you can tell she's PISSED, too
>"so, Anonymous, do you like bananas?"
>uh oh
>as the guards load you into the giant moon cannon
>you give a thumbs-up and shout "Totally worth it!"
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