CTRL+V THREAD! [part 8] (999)

678 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6863 04:21


To put it simply, Avery Morrow ('Shii') was either incredibly stupid to put that image up, a pedophile, or both. Current bets run on him being both.

If onyl somebody could be bothered to trawl through his SA post history, as it was pretty much one incredibly creepy thing after another. But that's ages in the past.

On a sidenote, he's now both pretty crazy too and apparently an English teacher with the JET program, teaching... young kids. I'm personally surprised images like this, along with his internet history, haven't gotten him both shitcanned from the job and kicked out of Japan for life. Guess there's something to miracles after all.

OH WELL have some ctrl c + ctrl v

Ifve written an essay for the popular, well-respected Internet journal Gornahoor called gPlayers and Pugilistsg, on the degrading nature of acting in traditional society. Check it out over there, and leave a comment if you like it. You may need to bump up the font size on your browser by pressing Ctrl+Plus.

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