[collaboration] ITT we make a new banner [trainwreck] (10)

1 Name: (´・ω・) : 1993-09-7517 02:39

>>2 GET
>>3 worthless
>>4,5 choose background images
>>6-9 write text for the banner
>>10-19 post links to pictures to put in the banner (original content encouraged)
>>20 puts it all together!

If >>20 does a bad job, it's up to >>21-999 to pick up the slack!

Let's banner making!

2 Name: Mr. 2 GET likes to 2 GET : 1993-09-7517 02:59


3 Name: (´・ω・) : 1993-09-7517 11:47

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4 Name: (´・ω・) : 1993-09-7517 15:16

It's true Suigintou, you're not junk, you're wonderful. I have some junk I'd like to put in you though, if I may...

5 Name: (´・ω・) : 1993-09-7517 17:22

smoked salmon

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