55 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8134 06:20

Eyes opened. Didn't realize I've been shitposting or was supposed to be shitposting this whole time. I've been calling it bullshitting (I guess that was my first clue). Also, shed has multiple meanings. DQN emitted everything else? DQN protected everything else? I don't think VIP quality is much of thing on SAoVQ either, and it's pretty much a shitposting board like DQN. Pretty much all of its members came from DQN anyways. Then again, I don't browse either board that much anymore. I just don't get why people who browse DQN like to shit on it so much (kinda like >>49). They're a pretty creative bunch anyways and have actually completed a few projects (VIPtronics, the zine, the podcast everyone hated).

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