A better textboard (13)

3 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8606 04:34

All of those are terrible ideas. Let's see:

Backlinks for replies

Superfluous, messy


See above

Mobile theme/s

No way, mobile users need not to post

better admin panel

Unnecessary, admins should stay out most of the time

youtube embeds

Worst idea possible

spoiler tags


ban list for mods / ban message screen if you are banned

Privacy violation. No need to maintain lists of any sort, banning on textboards should be very rare

5 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8606 08:52

There is no better text board than the Elitist Superstructure Of DQN - it is the elitest.

9 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8608 16:00

That's exactly what the other guy's saying he doesn't want, and I agree. Surprise boxes is irritating.

I mean, fuck it. If I wanted to be on some fancy board running livechan or vichan+pimp_my_ride, uploading 30MB .mkv files multiple times in each post and getting real-time reply indicators, I'd be there. But I'm not.

It sounds like you're writing your own board software. If that's the case, you should put what you want into it. If people like the result, they'll stay. You're not going to get high quality feedback going up to a bunch of people who are fine with what they're currently using and saying "HEY WHAT IF I MADE SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT".

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