[Contentless] ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought [Brains][Thinking][Personal][#26] (999)

518 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9002 02:53

3 sleeping pills tonight. I think my tolerance is increasing.
A good thought, so good that you can't remember it? Hmmm...
I've had dreams like that. It's either a really good or really bad dream. After I wake up, then I think about it, and shortly thereafter I forget about it! That's why it's good to write down dreams or ideas quickly after you have them. I have a notes.txt file on my computer, and I use a note-taking app on my phone too.

Even if you don't know if you'll use the idea later, it's good to write it down. Over time, you'll accumulate a long list of ideas, some of which you'll want to discard, but others can be used for a wide variety of creative things.

Inspiration doesn't happen all at once. It can be a few 5-minute sessions in 2 or more years. And when you have all the pieces of the puzzle together, even if it's years after the first time you thought of the first part of it, you'll be glad you wrote it down.

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